Josh Bachynski uses LinkedIn pages to prove/test his on-page methods. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Josh Bachynski relies on GPT prompts to score words. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I understand you have responsibilities to your family, but your students deserve honesty.
Josh Bachynski is known for referring to SEOs as “snake oil” in his YouTube videos.
Recently, he turned his guns on Koray, saying Koray’s methods don’t work and even called them “bullshit.” I’d suggest Josh take a closer look at Koray’s group, where you’ll find real success stories, not like seo university fake wins.
And the biggest thing is that josh call SEOCp the best tool.
This tool is useless it just scrapes SERPs and scores using GPT prompts. What kind of nonsense is this? And then you use LinkedIn pages to test your on-page optimizations? You’re fooling yourself and your students with this!
I asked three of your students, who are good friends of mine,
ASK: Since the launch of SEOCp, has Josh ever held any classes teaching how to create on-page optimized titles and other elements using free tools?”
Their answer was a clear never. He just forcing us to buy his nonsense seocp tool.
Josh, after launching your tool, you’ve completely stopped teaching your students using free tool methods. So now, tell me who’s the real snake oil here?
josh forces his students to buy seocp tool 🫡
Better go with kyle roof pageoptimizer Pro or CORA
Guys, lifetime deal seo tool is far better than Josh Bachynski seocp. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Anyway josh bachynski you are a FLOP seo GURU. You know that your methods not working thats why selling crap tool + fooling student by doing tests on linkedin. jOSH don’t compromise your students trust.